Join our mailing list!

Be one of the first ones to find out about our newest songs, latest releases, and upcoming shows! One of the best free ways you can support independent music is by joining our mailing list! Not only will you be in the loop on our happenings, but we’ll be able to keep you informed without having to pay a social media company to see our posts.

We won’t email you more than twice per month, and promise that we won’t abuse your information or give it to anyone else!

To thank you, we’d like to send you a sticker! Just include your address below and we’ll drop a sticker in the mail!

Signing up for a mailing list is the best way to support a band! Not only do you get the latest on our happenings, but we also don’t have to pay a social media company to make sure you know about our big upcoming shows. We promise we won’t email you more than twice per month and will keep your info private!
Want a sticker? Put your mailing address in the box above and we’ll send one to you for free! We promise we’ll throw your address away afterward. If you don’t want a sticker, just leave this blank.

A note to our friends outside the United States: We appreciate your interest in joining the list! We’ll try to send a sticker your way, but have a limited shipping budget, so we can’t make any promises. Sorry about that!